Saturday, October 3, 2009

innaugural niggas

Hello fellow statesman, here I bash the proverbial champagne bottle of the proud bow of the S.S. Becauaseofanigger, spilling down its glorious froth to fill your cups and warm your hearts. I am writting this to relay my frustration, awe and utter amazment at the trifflin ass motherfuckazz known as "niggers". I firmly believe a nigger to be someone who is of the lowest class ranking. This term gathers amongst it's sweaty, heaving bossom, the tribes of peckerwood, white trash, black, mexican, redneck, jock, etc. Don't feel obligated to alert me to the fact that there is no way to use the term nigger and have it not be racist or offensive towards the proud black race, because I frankly don't care. The term was born into existence as a result of africans, as well as thoroughly perpetuated completely, to the fullest, but the term wraps its arms around so many people. 

Nelson Mandela; not a nigger.

Jesse Unruh; complete fucking nigger.

Guy on bus rapping out loud to the disdain of everyone on board, stinking of weed, old enough to work but clearly ready to defend his unemployment on grounds of his ski color/education/etc while making every attempt to overtly criticize/ degrade complete strangers on grounds of height, weight, sexual orientation, clothes etc. ; slimey nigger.

I am totally okay with accepting that many of the people responsible with prolonging the association of blacks and niggotry/nignoggery/niggerdom are black people themselves, generally of the ghetto variety. I am okay with that, that rests solely on their shoulders. That is about as unflattering as when a woman wrote a book about the glorification of a woman's role as a "bitch". That is fucking ridiculous. Nobody likes a bitch, that's why women get backhanded so often. Why call each other nigga? Because you have , what , "flipped the script" on whitey, using it as a term of endearment? Wrong, your just being a nigger. Its called "moving backwards", google it next time your using the library to check out myspace

This blog will be a daily/weekly account of my interactions with niggers in my neighborhood. Plase feel free to alert me of special nigger gatherings, foods, quotes, etc. . The first time I said the word nigger wasn't some sort of spiritual awkenning for me, I was frustrated with the non coincidental reoccurrence of negativity surrounding niggers in my community. I am not white, let me stress this. Nor am I a self loather ( i am not black), I am proud of my heritage, but also proud of the fact that I have been able to use common sense, education and my low income status to work my way through college and maintain a good job without being a complete and worthless, loud offensive nigger, rife with negativity. 

Now I don't consider myself anything but an regular man, I am no scholar, but I think it lazy for a person not to seperate himself from the ways of the nigger. They are like snakes, bottom feeders. Let us encourage our local jocks, rednecks, peckerwoods, border brothers, ghetto pieces and vatos to wash the muck of despair and unapologetic ignorance from their backs and rise to the surface a new or woman.

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